Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Bailey the Dog

Bailey - Loved by Louise Jarrett

Dog - aged 14

Passed 16/03/2024

Tabitha Ray the Cat

Tabitha Ray - Loved by Natasha Louise Garforth

Cat - aged 20

Passed 15/03/2024

Bruno the Dog

Bruno - Loved by Vicky Moss

Dog - aged 9

Passed 11/03/2024

Hendrix the Dog

Hendrix - Loved by Karen Ann Roberts

Dog - aged 6

Passed 04/03/2024

Max the Dog

Max - Loved by Kathryn Thurston

Dog - aged 7

Passed 28/02/2024

Jasmine the Dog

Jasmine - Loved by Martin Dietzman

Dog - aged 11

Passed 02/03/2024

Chewie   Chewbacca Mossford the Dog

Chewie Chewbacca Mossford - Loved by Kelly Michelle Rogers

Dog - aged 10

Passed 27/02/2024

Sasha the Dog

Sasha - Loved by Denise J Howard

Dog - aged 15

Passed 07/02/2024

Meg the Dog

Meg - Loved by Tim J Endean

Dog - aged 11

Passed 23/02/2024

Rupert the Dog

Rupert - Loved by Louise Cooper

Dog - aged 12

Passed 15/02/2024

Mush Smith the Hamster

Mush Smith - Loved by Rebecca Deborah Smith

Hamster - aged 2

Passed 02/02/2024

Noodle Smith the Hamster

Noodle Smith - Loved by Rebecca Deborah Smith

Hamster - aged 2

Passed 24/10/2023