Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Tuppence the Dog

Tuppence - Loved by Debs M Cooper

Dog - aged 12

Passed 07/07/2023

Peggy the Dog

Peggy - Loved by Elaine Tymoshyshyn

Dog - aged 14

Passed 07/07/2023

Molly the Cavalier King Charles

Molly - Loved by Glyn C Davies

Cavalier King Charles - aged 11

Passed 03/07/2023

Norman the Dog

Norman - Loved by Ashlee Poskett

Dog - aged 12

Passed 22/06/2023

Luna the Dog

Luna - Loved by Abbie Flynn

Dog - aged 3

Passed 27/06/2023

Ziggy the Dog

Ziggy - Loved by Rachael L Joseph

Dog - aged 5

Passed 19/06/2023

Vinny the Cat

Vinny - Loved by Kirsty Bateman

Cat - aged 13

Passed 19/06/2023

Tommy the Cat

Tommy - Loved by Harry Chambers

Cat - aged 13

Passed 15/06/2023

Kristoff the Guinea Pig

Kristoff - Loved by Kirstie Ann Bratt

Guinea Pig - aged 8

Passed 16/06/2023

Roxy the Dog

Roxy - Loved by Chloe Louise Wiseman

Dog - aged 3

Passed 15/04/2023

Sooty the Cat

Sooty - Loved by Jenny Watson

Cat - aged 19

Passed 31/05/2023

Chip the Guinea Pig

Chip - Loved by Catherine Poulton

Guinea Pig - aged 1

Passed 30/05/2023