Pet Memorials

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Rufus the Dog

Rufus - Loved by Amy Edwards

Dog - aged 16

Passed 30/04/2024

Sidney the Rabbit

Sidney - Loved by Allison Terry

Rabbit - aged 5

Passed 15/04/2024

Storm the Dog

Storm - Loved by Mark Panormo

Dog - aged 11

Passed 24/03/2024

Poppet the Dog

Poppet - Loved by Karen Currie

Dog - aged 10

Passed 16/04/2024

Finley the Dog

Finley - Loved by Michael Hammond

Dog - aged 12

Passed 23/04/2024

Ruby the Dog

Ruby - Loved by Michael Hammond

Dog - aged 13

Passed 09/06/2023

Neige the Cat

Neige - Loved by Nathalie & Nick Harmon

Cat - aged 16

Passed 18/04/2024

Big Mac the Dog

Big Mac - Loved by Georgina Power

Dog - aged 3

Passed 10/04/2024

Molly is Maxis big sister the Cat

Molly is Maxis big sister - Loved by Hazel L Hewitt

Cat - aged 16

Passed 15/04/2024

Molly the Cat

Molly - Loved by Hazel L Hewitt

Cat - aged 16

Passed 15/04/2024

Serafina the Cat

Serafina - Loved by Fiona M Markham

Cat - aged 14

Passed 04/04/2024

Max the Dog

Max - Loved by Emily Wright

Dog - aged 14

Passed 08/04/2024